Indiana University Bloomington

Recruiting Schools for the INYS

We encourage community members to advocate for their schools to participate in the INYS. The information obtained through the survey allows community members to identify areas of concern and develop appropriate prevention efforts. If you have questions or need supporting materials as you begin to recruit schools for the INYS, please check out these resources below. Created by the INYS research team, these tools are designed to help you discuss the benefits and process of the INYS with school officials.

School Recruitment Tips   [download PDF]

This flyer provides tips for community leaders in recruiting their local schools to register for and participate in the survey.

School Recruitment PowerPoint Presentation   [download PPT]

Community leaders can use this PowerPoint presentation to inform school leadership about the survey and answer any questions they may have about the registration process, timeline, survey content, and confidentiality. The presentation also describes the benefits of taking the survey and provides suggestions on how schools can use the data once they receive their results.

INYS General Information Flyer   [Big Flyer]   [Small Flyer]

You may download these flyers and distribute them to schools in your community.